主要成份:枯草芽孢杆菌≥200亿/克 CONTENT: Bacillus subtilis≥20 billion 产品特点: CHARACTERIZATION: 高纯度高菌数:纯种发酵枯草芽孢杆菌而成,不含杂菌,菌数高,性能稳定,功能强。 High purity and high amount of bacteria: purified bacteria, no microorganisms pollution, high amount of bacteria, high efficiency. 耐热性高:枯草芽孢杆菌(含孢子率大于98%)的较高耐受温度为115℃(≧15分钟)。本品经制粒过程中的高温高压后。其主要菌群存活率可达95%以上。 Heat stable: Bacillus subtilis (spores>98%) is heat stable for 115℃ (about ≧15min) and the main bacteria fauna can have a survival rate of 95%. 稳定性好:经透变育种,筛选出耐高温、耐酸产酶菌株,芽孢率大于90%,稳定易保存,可直接添加到畜、禽、水产、特种经济动物、预混科等各类饲料中使用.水产养殖现场可直接投放水体中。 Good stability: it can be directly used in animals’ feed and used in water in aquaculture. 功效作用: FUNCTION: 提高抗病能力,预防病症:调节畜禽及水产动物胃肠道菌群平衡,抑制有害微生物繁殖,预防和**腹泻、下痢、细菌性肠炎等胃肠道疾病。促进动物体内的抗体水平和巨噬细胞活力,增强机体*力,建立动物胃肠道健康的内环境。 IMPROVE THE RESISTANT TO DISEASE AND TO PREVENT HARMFUL DISEASE To adjust the balance of the microorganism of animals’ intestine, restrain the growth of harmful microorganisms. It can prevent enterorrhea、diarrhea and enteritis. To improve the level of antibody and the activity of macrophages and improve the resistant to specific disease and the inner environment of the animals’ intestine can be developed. 提高饲料转化率,降低饲料成本,促进动物生长:在动物体内可代谢产生大量消化酶类,优化胃肠道的多酶消化体系,并参与蛋白质代谢、能量代谢、矿物元素代谢和维生素代谢,还产生较多的B族维生素、**酸、抗生物质和未知生长因子,提高饲料的消化率,降低饲料成本,促进动物生长。 IMPROVE THE FEED CONVERSION RATIO, DECREASE THE COST OF FEED AND PROMOTE THE GROWTH OF ANIMALS It can produce a large amount of digestive ferments and better the function of digest tracts as well as participate in the metabolism of protein, mineral element and vitamin. 改善环境,降低污染:分解粪便、残饵、养殖水体中**物质,消除氨氨、亚硝酸盐,减少动物粪便臭味和塘底淤泥污染度,改善圈舍卫生和池塘水质。 TO BETTER THE ENVIRONMENT, DECREASE POLLUTION It can degrade the excrement and urine and redundant feed and other organics. It can eliminate ammonia nitrogen and nitrite in water. 改善动物皮毛品质:增加饲料中脂肪的利用率,使鱼虾色泽亮丽,猪皮肤红润,禽毛色光亮。 TO BETTER THE QUALITY OF FUR Improve the utilization rate of fat in feed, which make fine body color of fish, shrimp, pig and poultry. 用法用量: USAGE AND DOSAGE 动物Animals 用量Dosage (g/T) 乳猪Young Pig 500-800 肉鸭Duck 500-1000 大中猪Mature Pig 300-500 虾类Shrimp 1000-1500 尾鸡Layer chicken 300-500 鱼类Fish 800-1200 肉鸡Broiler chicken 500-800 蟹、贝、龟、鳗、鳖等Shellfish 1000-1500 保质期为24个月。